
Urinary & Genital Infection

What are urinary & genital infections?

Urinary and genital infections are infections of the urinary tract or the genital organs and surrounding area. The urinary tract includes the kidneys, ureters, and the bladder while the genital system includes the reproductive organs. Urinary and genital infections may affect the kidney, prostate, bladder, urethra, testes, penis and vagina. They can be either bacterial or viral in nature.
Urinary Tract Tumors

What is urinary tract tumour?

A urinary tract tumour is when cells anywhere in the urinary tract begin to grow abnormally instead of growing and dividing in an orderly way. These cells develop mutations that cause them to divide and grow rapidly out of control and not die, which leads to tumours. In the process, these abnormal cells continue to grow and live while the normal cells die.
Male Infertility

Male infertility ?

When a couple is unable to conceive then male infertility may need to be investigated as a possible cause. This is a problem when a male is unable to make a fertile female conceive a child even though they have had frequent, unprotected sexual intercourse for a year or longer. Up to 15 percent of couples are infertile and in over a third of these couples, male infertility plays a role.
Kidney Transplantation

Kidney Transplantation ?

A kidney transplant is a procedure where a new donor kidney is placed in your body. This is typically done to treat kidney failure. Once attached, your new kidney will start to do the job of the failing organ. The transplanted kidney is usually placed on either the lower right or left side of your abdomen.
Urinary Incontinence

What is urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is involuntary urination or any uncontrolled leakage of urine. It is the loss of bladder control and is a common and embarrassing problem. The severity of the condition ranges anywhere from occasionally leaking urine when you cough or sneeze to having such an extremely sudden and strong urge to urinate that you cannot get to a toilet in time.
Paediatric Urinary Tract Infection

What is paediatric urinary tract infection?

A paediatric urinary tract infection is when a child under the age of 15 has an infection in any part of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra. It is a common type of paediatric infection which usually occurs very often during the first few years of life and only occasionally thereafter.
Kidney & Urinary Stones

What is kidney & urinary stone?

Kidney and urinary stones are solid build-ups of hard crystals made of minerals, proteins and salts found in urine, that get deposited in the kidneys or urinary tract. Very often, the stones are formed when the urine becomes concentrated and causes the minerals to stick together and crystalise. Passing the kidney stones out can be quite painful, however the stones usually do not cause any permanent damage if recognised and treated early.
Prostate Enlargement

What is prostate englargement (BPH)?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) which is also called prostate gland enlargement is a common condition as men get older. It is a noncancerous increase in the size of the prostate gland. The enlarged prostate gland can squeeze the urethra – the tube that carries urine and semen out of the penis and causes uncomfortable urinary symptoms like blocking the flow of urine out of the bladder.
Erectile dysfunction

What is erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a condition in which a man has ongoing problems or an inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. This condition is also sometimes referred to as impotence. Without treatment, erectile dysfunction can make sex difficult but it is usually treatable in most cases.
Urinary Tract Infection

What is urinary tract infection or UTI?

A urinary tract infection is an infection in any part of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra and the tubes that link them. They can be painful, annoying and can cause discomfort. Most often, urinary tract infections involve the lower urinary tract — the bladder and the urethra. Women are at greater risk of developing a urinary tract infection than men are.
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